Sunday, January 29, 2012

Week Two Assignment, Part 2 – Job Entry Plan

First Day
Gain knowledge about my immediate support staff (Assistant Superintendent, Chief Financial Officer, secretary, and other staff members I will depend on daily), district organization/site location, and community.
Familiarize myself with immediate staff members, work site, district and community layout.
Activities addressing goals and objectives
·       Introduce myself and get to know staff members whom I will rely on and interact with on a daily basis.
·       Tour the central administration offices.
·       Drive and locate school and district sites, while familiarizing myself with the community layout.
Resources needed to achieve goals and objectives
·       Time
·       Map of the community with school and district site locations marked, along with transportation.

First Week
Develop and build rapport with district employees, board members, community stakeholders, and students (where appropriate).
Interact with district staff, students, school board, and community in a professional and ethical manner in order to build sustained relationships.

Activities addressing goals and objectives
·       Visit each Department Director, and Campus Principal at his or her location.
·       Tour each campus or area and be introduced to staff members.
·       Attend district athletic or extracurricular events.
·       Explore civic opportunities within the community.
Resources needed to achieve goals and objectives
·       Time and transportation to each campus or site.
·       A point person, such as Assistant Superintendent to accompany to site visits.
Schedule of extracurricular and community events.

First Month
Make determinations about district and personnel strengths and weaknesses.
Gain knowledge of the district, personnel, and processes in order to assist my decision-making in developing a vision for school improvement.
Activities addressing goals and objectives
·       Conduct interviews with the school board members, Assistant Superintendent, Chief Financial Officer, Directors, Campus Principals, teacher leaders, and community stakeholders.
·       Review district data about the district in regards to both instruction and maintenance and operations.
·       Prepare a review of the facts and findings.
·       Share the report with district leadership and District SBDM Committee in order to solicit feedback.
Resources needed to achieve goals and objectives
·       Time of the individuals for interviews and feedback.
Data collection from the curriculum and maintenance and operations departments.

First Year
Determine and develop school board and community goals to address district weaknesses.
Develop and communicate a vision for school improvement, which aligns with school board and community goals.
Activities addressing goals and objectives
·       Work with the school board to gain their perspective about running “their district, with their money, their way.”
·       Maintain an open door policy with the community and invite feedback from those willing to give their opinion.
·       Guide the District SBDM towards developing and communicating a set of goals in school improvement.
·       Effective coordination of budget development that aligns with district vision and goals.
Resources needed to achieve goals and objectives
  • Time spent with board and community members.
  • Budget 

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