When completing
this self-assessment in 5396 Superintendent Internship A, it became evident to
me that I definitely had a lot to learn in regards to working towards
Superintendent certification. While completing the assessment in this course,
5399 Superintendent Internship B, and comparing it to my previous
self-assessment I feel that I have gained valuable knowledge throughout the
Superintendent Certification program, and the internship experiences in which I
participated. I was very hesitant to rate myself as “S” in many areas, mainly
due to the fact that I am currently in my second year of administration
(Assistant Principal), and am not a head Principal. The areas that I feel are a
personal strength for me are the competencies in which I feel I can easily
transfer my learning from a campus administrator to that of district administrator.
The particular domains of which I am referencing are that of Domain I
Leadership of the Educational Community, and Domain II Instructional
Leadership. Ethics, shaping district culture, communicating with the community,
strategic planning, and evaluation systems are all areas that I participate in
on a campus level, and those experiences will be valuable, in addition to the
new knowledge and skills I have gained in this program towards my development
as a district administrator. In developing my internship plan I referenced the
self-assessment from 5396 to specifically address areas I rated myself as “I,”
improve my knowledge and skill. During this assessment I felt more comfortable
as rating many of those areas as “Competent” as I feel I have gained knowledge
in my areas of weakness, because of the knowledge I received from the courses,
and the experience I gained throughout the Superintendent internship. While I
could apply my own rating to the level of “Competent” I feel I have achieved
(Highly Competent, Moderately Competent, Minimally Competent), I will say that
Domain III Administrative Leadership is an area in which I can continue to
experience the most growth.
Wes- Sounds like you have really grown during the last 8 months. It belief it is evident from your posting that you will do an outstanding job as campus principal and/or central administration.