Sunday, February 12, 2012

Week 4: Part 1 and Part D of the Comprehensive Final Report

When one gazes at their reflection in the mirror they are scrutinizing their image. They may notice things they like about themselves, such as white teeth, or they may notice a blemish that needs to be addressed. Viewing one’s reflection in the mirror allows oneself to clearly see the image that others see. The image that one portrays shapes the impressions that others make about them. In much the same way, the idea of reflection as a leadership skill has allowed me to analyze my practice as a future district level administrator.

The act of reflection is a process in which one takes time to assess the knowledge they have gained from a particular activity. The knowledge gained can be through patterns or insights that were noticed in the activity, the roles of individuals and their actions, concerns that were noted, as well as questions or things that were not understood that may require further research. The reflective process also allows the individual to explore their own thoughts and feelings about a subject that were experienced through the activity, in order to gain an understanding of what they truly believe. In addition to analyzing the activity through reflection, the individual can also determine adaptations or changes that could have been made in order to benefit the activity. Reflection allows the individual to gain perspective on the activity that will lead to a more thorough understanding by learning about one’s own practice, including strengths and weaknesses, as well as changes that can be made in order to become more effective on a similar activity in the future.

Course Assignment Activities

Throughout this certification program most course assignments allowed for the incorporation of reflection. The most comprehensive assignment of reflective activity was one that was completed in week 2 of the current course, in which I reflected on the superintendent leadership experiences broken down by domain and competencies. This was a beneficial experience in that it allowed me to take the time to compile the key learning that I gained during the program.


Creating, using, and posting to a blog was a beneficial activity for me, in that it gave me yet another opportunity to reflect on ideas that I have learned. It is also helpful because I have one central location in which key ideas I have learned are compiled. Though it was not new to me, using this social media tool did add to my development in this program as a way for me to share my understanding of key concepts and skills, as well as read cohort member blogs to further my understanding. In the same way the Professor’s Cohort Blog/course discussion board posts were crucial to my development.

Course & Campus Supervised Logs

Course and site-based supervised logs were an important part of my development in this program through reflective practice. Through participation in the 38 site-based leadership/internship activities and course-embedded activities I was able to participate in and reflect on experiences that would not be included in my day-to-day duties as a campus administrator. Reflecting on these experiences and reviewing the logs has helped me learn to appreciate the opportunities that were given to me through participation in this program.


In regards to direct reflection, completing the pre-assessment and post-assessments for the courses were useful to me to use as a tool for feedback on my understanding of course content and how it related to the superintendent competencies. It was especially helpful to be able to go back through courses in EPIC and be able to review midterms, finals, and the Lamar Comprehensive Exam prior to taking the TExES Superintendent test.

Other Intern Reflections Experiences

I would also like to share that prior to applying to join the Superintendent Certification Program I took the practice exam for the Superintendent test on my own to see whether I had some of the prerequisite knowledge and skills to succeed in the program. Through course assignments, readings, lectures, discussion posts, web-conferences, and many of the activities listed above I was able to gain knowledge and insight into effective decision-making. Through reflection on these and other activities it will help guide, support, and promote my future effective decision-making.

Just as in the illustration using the mirror, as a future district level leader I can utilize the process of reflection in order to analyze my thoughts, actions, and reactions in order to develop into the most effective leader that I can be. It is through reflection that I am able to determine my leadership strengths and weaknesses as well as how to minimize those weaknesses. Reflection will allow me to recognize the most appropriate action to take in order to attain the desired outcome. Reflection will also allow me to adapt to and recognize the behaviors, concerns, and considerations of others, in addition to their perceptions of my leadership style. The use of reflection has allowed me to change my perception and ideas about a subject or leadership concept several times. I have learned that through actively reflecting on an experience I have been able to maximize my learning throughout this certification program, as well as have gained knowledge that has been both constructive and productive to my development as a future district level leader, and I have learned that it is in my best interest to continue viewing myself in the “mirror” by utilizing reflective practice in order to continue that development as a dedicated lifelong learner.

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