Summary: I interviewed my superintendent about his role in the budgeting
process. He explained that his role is to oversee the budget
development process as well as make recommendations based on district
priorities, available resources, and anticipated changes to district finances. During budget implementation he stated he must ensure appropriate
expenditure of budgeted funds, to provide for clear and timely budget reports,
and to monitor for effectiveness of the overall process. I learned that the
superintendent is very involved in the three phases of budgeting; planning,
preparation, and evaluation. I also learned a lot of time and effort is made to
make accurate projections for student enrollment, staffing, and facilities,
because each of these areas are very significant in the district budget. I also
learned that an effective superintendent will clearly communicate with staff
members and the board about the budget, throughout the process.
Reaction: As I have stated before, my superintendent is very honest with me about the position. He stated that budgeting was not his strength, and may have cost him an opportunity for a position in the past. He stated that he relies heavily on his Chief Financial Officer and communicates with him throughout the three phases of the budgeting process. He told me that most likely, a '3AAA-5AAAAA' school district will have a CFO with the main responsibility of the budget, though the superintendent will always oversee the process, implementation, and evaluation of it. He also stated that a '1A-2AA' school district will more than likely not have a CFO and thus the superintendent has a more demanding role in the day to day budgeting process. He did also mention that the region service centers could be very instrumental in helping support a superintendent in this position. When viewing the assignments for this course a few weeks ago, I felt very overwhelmed because I do not feel I had adequate knowledge about the district budget process. It is so important, and the skill set to effectively plan, prepare, and evaluate a budget is much different from what I do on a day to day basis. After visiting with my superintendent and CFO I felt much better about the knowledge required during the phases of the budget.
Wes - Looks like you had a good interview with supt. We too are a 4 A district therefore the business manager does most of the budget work. However, my supt stressed his involvement througout the process as well as yours did. Our supt. worked his way up the ranks in smaller districts. He told me is was basically sink or swim in learning the budget process early in his career on his own. At this time I feel my biggest weakness is in the area of school finance. I look forward to the upcoming weeks and hope become more competent in this area. Once again your post are very benefical and I enjoy viewing.
ReplyDeleteWe are a small 2A district with a BM that functions as a CFO, and in my opinion this is both good and bad. Our sup prefers to be hands off in budgeting and expenditures, and I cannot imagine being like that in our size district. I guess I am all about collaboration and would not want such a large aspect of the sup responsibility to be isolated into one persons job.